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Grateful follow-up to yesterday’s post: I did see (and hear) bees today. A few different kinds, even!

Hard to see, but here’s a snapshot of a busy bee on the rosemary flowers by our front door:

Such a busy bee it was hard to get a non-blurry close-up shot

Maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t see or hear them sooner; I’ve been reading about how unseasonably warm weather has been bringing bees out of hibernation early before there is food for them.

Our lilacs are in full bloom right now / have been open for a bit though. The dandelions have all gone to seed. And the saskatoon and madrone have been in flower for weeks.

It was pretty warm today … hot even. I’ve seen questions and reports of winged ants being spotted around town by people not sure what they are, and being told this was it: the first day of big warmth causing them all to emerge.

I’m glad I haven’t seen any termites or winged ants at our house (so far this year; we definitely have outbursts of them some years), but that I did see BEES today. 🙂